Friday, November 27, 2020

Promoting Anti-Plagiarism Content Among Undergraduate Students

Education is about orginal and genuine ideas. We need original thinkers and researchers. University students must put serious effort in writing their term reports and essays. Feedback must be given to students after careful process of checking.

It's job of instructor to promote anti plagiarism policy of the institute. The practice of stealing content from Internet is very common. Because it restricts effort and content is easily accessible on internet. It's very important for Social Scientists to promote creativity because social sciences ensures there are poets, thinkers, philosophers and reformers, who can change and create the history simply with their thoughts. Studying social sciences without putting an effort to become a thinker and behave like philosopher is simply useless.

This culture of promoting research skills must begin from the first year of university at undergraduate level. Our students mostly struggle with English and comprehension. We have to give them enough education of language and research as well to think objectively and neutrally.

Research is serious exercise. It requires lot of practice, study and experience. The first step is to enhance critical thinking skills so students can think out of the box. It doesn't only mean to state a problem but problematizing and brainstorming it extensively. 

It requires lot of hardwork for instructor to check the assignments of students who are in hundreds, but it is fundamental responsibility of the instructor to give feedback to the students so they can improve their skills. Feedback plays a huge role for teachers as well as students to work on their skills and short comings. 

If only our students realize that the efforts are acknowledged by the instructor and appreciated in terms of rewards, may be then there could be seriousness in putting a bit of effort in student's term papers and essays. This is serious exercise and it has very deep impact on the students. 

One day, after decades of dedication & commitment we might see overall change in the society. We might produce thinkers and philosophers who would be able to identify indegenious problems of our society and address it objectively learning from the history.